A sixty-four year old worker represented by Kotchen & Low, DVG Law Partner and VK Vandaveer PLLC has filed a federal class action lawsuit against Google, Inc. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a proposed class of workers age 40 and older whom Google did not hire in alleged violation of Federal and California age discrimination laws. According to the Complaint, as a result of Google’s hiring practices and discrimination, the median age of Google’s workforce is 29 years old.
The attorney-author of this article, Michael Brown of DVG Law Partner, is among the attorneys representing the workers who filed the lawsuit, along with attorneys Daniel Kotchen, Daniel Low and Michael von Klemperer of Kotchen & Low LLP and Vonda K. Vandaveer of V.K. Vandaveer, PLLC.
Please contact attorney Michael Brown at 920-757-2488 or mbrown@dvglawpartner.com if you have any information or questions relating to the case.
Scroll or click the link below to review the Complaint, which details the case’s allegations that Google discriminated against job applicants age 40 and older in violation of age discrimination laws: